National knives
On the strength of that that multiple human tribes and nationalities first lived in different geographical and climatic condition, had a different custom and traditions, beside each of they were worked out their own especial types of the national knifes. These knives were intended for performing the most varied function home, for hunt, military and the other purposes.
The Differences between certain types of such knifes are concluded in their form, size, correlation element to designs, as well as in that material, from which their do, in used technology, in nature of the decorations, in receiving the carrying and practical application.
The Variety sample national knifes does not yield to to account. So we shall bring here only several their types, the most wide-spread in country C.I.S.. This is a russian knives, knives folk Siberia and North, caucasian and fair asiatic knives, finnish (or norwegian) knives.
The Differences between certain types of such knifes are concluded in their form, size, correlation element to designs, as well as in that material, from which their do, in used technology, in nature of the decorations, in receiving the carrying and practical application.
The Variety sample national knifes does not yield to to account. So we shall bring here only several their types, the most wide-spread in country C.I.S.. This is a russian knives, knives folk Siberia and North, caucasian and fair asiatic knives, finnish (or norwegian) knives.
Ножи, типа финских национальных ножей «пуукко», получили широчайшее распространение как в СССР/СНГ, так и в других странах Европы. Можно даже сказать, что именно слово «финка» стало синонимом термина «криминальный нож». Однако в подавляющем большинстве эти образцы по своей конструкции не соответствуют подлинным финским ножам.